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This looks very cool!




Ty for this I was starving.


THIS LOOKS SO COOL!!! i'm sk glad i found this while searching for bill cipher dating sims awhagw i am DEPRIVED. so freakinf hyped for the release!!!!!!


Hi!!! I love this game sm, and its so fun to see someone make a game like this, especially now when GF is popular again. I'm also happy to see its in active development (which is so nice since love triangle was cancelled) so THANK YOU! keep up the good work!! ❤️


I'm be honestly happy to help for free! I'm bad at digital art (i can still do that too if you need more artists!)  and stuff, but if you meed script help, or something else entirely then pls lmk!!


I am really excited for this game! Love the Idea!!


im so excited for this !


commenting again because omg I am still SOOO excited for this!! this is going to go so hard!!


This was so good for how short it is! I really liked how you used the song "we'll meet again" for that part lol.
Would you be interested in a spanish translation? I am a native speaker and I know a big amount of english. I was originally going to suggest art but I've seen you already got somebody for the job which I suppose will be much better than me (without mentioning that you already had many requests lol)

(1 edit) (+2)

The demo looks really cool! I hope the full version will include russian language too :)


Hi there!! This seems like a very promising project! Need any help with music for the game? I could throw together a demo track to show you how I'd capture Bill's vibe! Interested? Lmk if it's okay to contact you over discord!


this is awesome! if any art/bg spots or just helper spots open up id love to help (by helper i mean just polishing stuff and providing insight and things)


and i also sent u a friend req :]


Hi, I've sent you a request on discord ^^ 

Hope that's alright, I'm hoping to ask about helping with art :)


hi! I’m very interested in helping with art :33 I know you don’t have work for it right now but when you do, you can DM me on my pin: @DriftDraws

I don’t need to be paid at all - I just want to draw a triangle 🧌😭


hi! i added you on disc, and id like to also help with art :3 im not that good but i think i can help !!

(1 edit)

i can help w sprites and cgs, but im not that good at bgs

I like that it's about Bill Cipher coming back through the book. It's a very interesting use of the theory that haunts the fandom. I'm really curious if the game will be about Bill living with us as we try to help him -or not-, or if it will be about travel between dimensions as he starts to regain his power. I don't know; but I'm really excited to see that there are people doing projects like this. I'll keep an eye out for updates! It looks amazing.

Also, if at any time you need a writer, please know that I'd like to be a volunteer.

good game! It's not finished, but I like it!!!

played this while bored in class and it looks so cool already!! I'm just wandering if youre looking for a  another artist to draw the backgrounds and other stuff :] I wanna be a volunteer for free, after reading this is inspired by love triangle a game kid me enjoyed so that peaked my interest :D hope that's alright :] 


dude i literally saw this and like idk how this site works idk if i can dm but r u like looking for an artist?? id be super happy if i could help in any way omg😭😭😭 

OMG HI??? I'm new to this site too dw abt that- I don't think we can dm on here unfortunately. 

I hope you read that I'm literally poor and cannot pay anyone to do the art for me 😭😭 Im literally a charity case rn and if you would still consider doing  the art for me even after knowing that then Im game 🥺

I have discord so we can chat on there! My tag is "1magineLiving" (youre a really cool person for offering and I totally understand if u dont wanna do this for free 😔)


omg didnt expect u to reply😭😭😭 no bcuz id be SO up for still doing the art this seems like sucha fun project and i like wouldnt be able to take da money anyway omg😭😭😭

I will literally let you beta test the game and play it before anyone else if you did the drawings for me you dont understand- 

I LOVED DRAWING FOR THE DEMO BUT IT I JUST DONT HAVE THE TALENT FOR IT??? You are like a godsend fr I would literally shove money towards you anyway if I could


omg help😭😭 no i so wanna do it i literally dont have anything going on anyway i will literally add you on discord rn😭😭


I am so hyped for this!!


buen juego :)